Gossip Girl is a beloved television show that stars several young adults from the Upper East Side. Two of these individuals are Chuck and Nate who fans wrongly assume are friends. They try to put on a facade that they care for one another, but the reality is that it is all a hoax.

We have compiled a list of reasons why this pair is faking their friendship. Some fans may disagree, but others will see the untruth hidden within their relationship. Keep reading to learn about 10 reasons why Nate and Chuck from Gossip Girl aren’t real friends!

They Know They Are Fake Friends

The most obvious sign that these two are fake friends is that, throughout the series, they drop hints that their friendship was never real to begin with. The two know that the other will betray them again as they have in the past, and yet, they keep playing this game that they are friends. Their conversations speak volumes as they allude to the fact that they know they each hold their own secrets, but, for some reason, this is one fake friendship that never dies.

Girls Constantly Come Between Them

Your friends are always supposed to come before the people you date, but Chuck and Nate never see it this way. They constantly let girls come between them, whether its someone they have both dated like Blair or a new fling whose past intertwines with theirs like Raina.

They even have scuffles over girls like Jenny and Serena as the friends have different views on a situation and side with different people. The pair should be one another’s ride or die, but, instead, they have no issues discarding their friendship for the girls in their life.

They Are Morally Different

When you watch this pair throughout the series, it is easy to pinpoint which one of them has morals and who likes to blur the lines. Chuck is not afraid to break the rules, and he serves as a horrible influence on Nate.

It turns their friendship into something fake, as his negative influence turns Nate into something he was never meant to be. Chuck, in turn, learns some skills from this fake friendship, but, overall it hurt both parties more than it helped.

Nate Uses Dirt On Chuck

When Bart returns near the end of the series, he wants to take control back from Chuck and decides to use Nate’s predicament to his advantage. Nate needed a line of credit to keep his newspaper from going under, and Bart told him he could have it as long as he gave him information on Chuck.

He could have refused and gone straight to Chuck, but, instead, he went along with Bart’s plan. This is not what a real friend would do in this situation, but high society creates a lot of fake friendships in this fictional world.

Nate Takes Chuck’s ‘Little Black Book’

Chuck gives his ‘Little Black Book’ to Nate following his breakup with Serena as he heads out on a new adventure. Nate willingly takes it to ease the pain, as it is filled with lists of Chuck’s favorite girls. The gesture was a kind one on Chuck’s part, but a real friend would never give this to someone as a way to cope with a loss.

It only serves as a way to hide their grief and bury it rather than face the music. Chuck should have stayed behind to help him work through it, but, instead, he left him in the dust with nothing but short-term pleasures to bide his time.

Chuck Doesn’t Share His Darkest Secrets

Nate is constantly finding out things about Chuck throughout the show that he should have told Nate himself. The worst was when he sold Blair to Jack Bass in return for his hotel. There are so many points in the show where Nate should let go of his fake friendship with Chuck, but he feels an obligation to keep coming back to try and make amends. Chuck might not have to share everything with his friend, although, betrayal is never something that ever goes away for good.

Chuck Hooks Up With Blair After Her Breakup With Nate

It is a common courtesy to avoid your friend’s exes like the plague whether you are a man or woman. Chuck threw this virtue out the window the second that Blair broke up with Nate and showed interest in him.

No true friend would betray the other in this way and it is obvious that Chuck stepped over a line. He even went so far as to convince Nate that she had slept with someone else besides him after the breakup. We are glad that Chuck and Blair ended up together in the end, but it did reveal how he wasn’t a true friend.

Chuck Changed His Identity

When Chuck was shot he ended up in the care of a wonderful woman named Eva Coupeau. He could have called his friend, Nate, to let him know he was alright, but, instead, he created a new identity. Chuck let everyone believe he might be dead rather than face them.

Luckily, Blair and Serena found him during their vacation, and it shows where his true loyalties lie. Chuck is a man who only cares about himself and would rather be reinvented then face the facts about his life.

They Lie To One Another

Chuck and Nate are constantly lying to one another throughout the show. It all starts when Chuck sleeps with Blair following her breakup with Nate and hides it from his friend. Chuck’s lying continues as he goes behind Nate’s back to make a deal with his mom so they don’t go bankrupt.

He even goes as far as to hide the truth that his father killed Nate’s girlfriend’s mother, instead of being upfront with his friend about the truth behind her untimely passing. Nate is also a culprit of this as he sides with Serena and Blair and several issues instead of including Chuck in the conversation.

Chuck Cares Too Much About Money

The only thing on Chuck’s mind throughout the entirety of the show is money. He uses his wealth and status to buy girls, and he constantly flaunts it in front of Nate’s face. It is obvious from the beginning that Chuck’s wealth is superior to that of Nate’s, and it is one of the reasons why their friendship isn’t real. He might use it at times to help Nate out of sticky situations, but, overall, it doesn’t help the outlook of their friendship.