Grace Hanson is the powerful and ball-busting sidekick to Frankie in Netflix’s Grace and Frankie. As the ex-wife to Robert, Grace has been through her fair share of heartache and tragedy but she’s come out on top by staying true to herself and becoming closer to her best friend and business partner Frankie.

In the most recent season of Grace and Frankie, we see our favorite duo partake in a new business venture while getting into mischief and fun shenanigans. As the more logical one of the two, Grace tries to cool down Frankie’s daydreams although she secretly uses Frankie as her muse. And with the seventh and final season coming out in 2021, let’s take a look a 10 of Grace’s best quotes from season six!

“…Bring Me A Glass And A Shrimp Cocktail But Hold The Shrimp. I Will DIY A Bloody Mary”

This quote screams Grace. She loves herself a bloody mary and dry martini and can be found with a drink in her hand in most scenes. It has been joked about in this season that Grace has a drinking problem but she refuses to take it seriously.

In this scene, Frankie forgot her wallet while out to eat with Joan-Margaret and Grace came to the rescue. Before paying the bill, she asked the waiter for a vodka martini. She’s told they only served beer and wine but have no fear — Grace takes out a miniature bottle of vodka to “DIY” her own bloody mary.

“Have You Met Me? I Avoid All Hard Conversations. It’s Why I Carry Hard Liquor”

Speaking of hard liquor… It’s no secret that Grace has a hard time sorting her feelings. She spent years in a marriage where she never said what she truly felt. She stopped herself from getting over-emotional with her children and threw herself into her businesses to distract her from her problems at home. When she got divorced and found her true identity (thanks to Frankie), she did everything she always wanted to do but often feared. However, there are times where the old Grace sneaks back in and she hides behind a strong cocktail to avoid difficult conversations with her loved ones.

“Frankie! I Told You I’m Not Going To Do A Sex Podcast With You!”

Frankie is an open book. She says everything that’s on her mind without a second thought. Grace, on the other hand, needs some encouragement to say what she truly wants in certain situations. But when Frankie gets too hippy-dippy for her, Grace tends to mentally check out and dismiss her, which is exactly what she did here when Frankie brought up wanting to see Grace and Nick “perform.”

“Imagine If We Got Fonzie To Sit On It!”

In the sixth season, Frankie begins seeing someone new; a man named Jack. Jack works in the music industry and is friends with some big-name celebrities. Once Grace realizes that Jack hangs out with Hollywood’s elite, she tries her best to create a business relationship with him.

What better way to promote a helpful product like the Rise Up than by adding a little bit of star power? Jack didn’t seem too keen on the idea of having a high-profile friend of his working with toilets but Grace couldn’t help herself with this Fonzie joke.

“I Had A Roommate Who Once Used My Underpants As A Napkin”

With Grace newly married and living with Nick, she finds herself in yet another new chapter in her life. Life isn’t as comfortable as it was with Frankie. However, she does try to create a new friend through Nick’s assistant Miriam. The two seem similar enough and enjoy a good glass of wine (not to mention the same taste in men since Miriam was also once married to Nick), which is why Grace attempted to get to know her better. Grace compares Miriam’s class to Frankie’s obscene underpants-usage, making viewers realize how much she subconsciously missed her dear friend.

“Keith, I Don’t Even Like For My Own Kids To Call Me Mom”

In an attempt to get to know Nick’s family better, Grace invites his son Keith over for dinner. Oddly enough, on the night of the dinner, Grace finds out Mirriam isn’t just Nick’s assistant, she’s his ex-wife and the mother of Keith. The four of them had a very awkward dinner.

When Keith first said “Hi mom,” Grace thought he was talking to her—not his real mother Mirriam—and she dropped this hilarious line on him, which is classic Grace.

“I Need My Emotional Support Witch”

When Nick invites Grace to a charity function with him, the idea of being the “new wife” gives Grace a little too much anxiety. Especially since the other wives are much younger than she is. She asks Frankie to come with her to cool her nerves and at first, Frankie wasn’t too keen on going to an event where she’s an outcast but she’ll do anything to help Grace in a time of need. Grace called Frankie her “emotional support witch,” which made Frankie gitty and willing to attend for the sake of her BFF.

“Would You Vodka Up This Mimosa? And While You’re At It Hold The Orange Juice And The Champagne”

In the season premiere of Grace and Frankie, Frankie tells the families that Nick and Grace eloped in Las Vegas. Grace loathes the attention and doesn’t want everyone judging her quickie marriage, so what does she do? She turns to alcohol. She orders a mimosa sans orange juice and champagne and adds vodka instead (so, a glass full of vodka). It’s a hilarious moment that reminds us just how uncomfortable Grace can be among her own family members.

“Can We Wrap This Up? I Have To Do Clubbing”

We saw Grace and Frankie try to “do” clubbing in earlier seasons but it was obvious that scene wasn’t for them. Grace is more of a cocktail-by-the-ocean kind of gal. Not a woman who goes clubbing with younger people who unintentionally make her feel old. Nevertheless, after insulting one of the young ladies at the charity event, she promises to help her with her business venture, which happened to be extensions for things like clubbing. In this scene, Grace was acting more like her old self than the new and improved Grace who’s powerful and inspiring — not pretending to be someone else for their benefit.

“I Love Spinning Your Bonkers Ideas Into Gold”

This quote perfectly encapsulates the relationship between Grace and Frankie. Frankie has these out-of-the-box ideas and Grace tames those ideas and turns them into logical inventions. To be fair, Frankie really is the think-tank behind Vybrant and Rise Up’s success. All Grace did was think of the logistics and turn them into functional products. Together, these two really are the real deal. They’re better together than apart.