Grammarly vs ProWritingAid The web tool offered by Grammarly closely resembles online text editing software like google docs. This helps the user to get a sense of familiarity and makes the transition a lot easier. You can use this tool via the website, as a browser extension, or as an app that you download to your computer. It helps enhance your writing skills by highlighting grammatical mistakes and areas of improvement.

Difference between Grammarly and ProWritingAid

Grammarly and Pro Writing Aid are two different brands of best grammar checker software that help you to enhance your writing skill. However, if you are just like most people who are not able to decide which software to use, the following different points may be helpful.

Features of Grammarly

Here are the important parts of Grammarly:

Create a Personal Dictionary: Grammarly tool allows you to add words in your dictionary. So that the same mistake of a specific name does not highlight when you run Grammarly again. Spelling and Right Pair: This feature helps you to detect spell mistakes and also offers suggestions for using the right pair of words. Passive Voice: The program also notifies users about the overuse of passive voice in content. Punctuations: This feature highlights all the missing and misplaced punctuations. Wordiness: This will check long and hard to read sentences. It also helps users to find out the way to shorten sentences so that you can correct and make your sentences more for a concise explanation. Repetition: If a specific word is repeated in the content, the tool provides suggestions to replace it. Proposition: Grammarly also points out confused prepositions. Plugins: Offers MS-Word, MS Outlook, and Google Chrome plugins. Plagiarism: This feature helps you to detect plagiarism by checking text against over eight billion web pages.

Features of ProWriting Aid

Here are important features of a ProWriting Aid:

Grammar checker and spell checker: This tool helps you to find all grammatical and spelling related mistakes. Find repeated words: The tool also allows you to find the repeated word in your content. Context-sensitive style suggestions: You can find the exact style of writing and suggest if it all flows in your writing. Check the readability of your content: Readability is the most important factor in any kind of write-up.Pro writing aid tool helps you to find the reliability of your article. By suggesting difficult and slightly difficult paragraphs. Visualize sentence lengths and variation: It also displays the length of your sentences. Sticky and clinches: You can also check all the sticky and writing clinches into your sentences. Overused words: It often happens to us to get a word stuck in your head and use it used repeated into your write up. ProWritingAid’s overused word checker helps you to of catching you out on this lazy writing mistake. Consistency: Checks for inconsistencies huge use of open quotation marks without closing quotation marks. Echoes: Checking your writing for words and phrases that are repeated in proximity. Human Proofreader: Touch of a button. You can order a human proofreader to evaluate your writing work by providing paid support.

Advantages of Grammarly

Here are the pros/benefits of Grammarly

It allows you to correct various types of grammar and spelling mistakes. Lots of basic features are available for free. Works with every type of website with ease. Correct most grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors. Make text corrections across different websites and platforms. Grammarly will also suggest you to frame sentences in a more appropriate way. Helps users to improve their vocabulary Detect contextual mistakes Helps you to boost your writing style Enhance the readability of your document Genre-specific suggestion abilities Extensions for all major browsers Offers useful knowledge base for grammar learning It offers you an indirect cloud storage to save your documents. Offers a quick check for your writing It helps you find out common errors you make so that you can avoid those mistakes and learn

Advantages of ProwritingAid

Here are the pros/benefits of ProWritingAid

Based on your writing, it offers more than 20 different reports for improvements. It is cheaper than other grammar checkers. ProWritingAid supports more integrations options Helps you strengthen your writing style as it offers big picture feedback Provides the most information even in the free proofreading software version. Compatible with Google Docs! It helps you to analyze your writing and finds over 20 different reports for potential improvements. Prowritingaid supports both in Windows and mac Desktop versions. It has a unique lifetime plan, which you can choose if you are serious about ProWritingAid, so you never have to pay again. To save your time and effort, they provide more integrations than most of the tools.

Disadvantages of Grammarly

Here are the cons/drawbacks of Grammarly

Does not offer any personal dictionary. Grammarly does not provide the free trial of the premium version. Price on monthly billing, so you need to go for the annual subscription Sometimes stop working or stop finding errors until you reopen the document in Grammarly editor Not all features are available for Mac. Microsoft Office extension of Grammarly is not supported on Mac The free version is ideally suitable for basic spelling and grammatical errors, but not for advanced writing.

Disadvantages of ProwritingAid

Here are the cons/drawbacks of Grammarly

It has slower editing when you add a large segment of text to edit. ProWritingAid does not offer any mobile application for Android and iOS. Support for the plagiarism checker is only available with the premium plan. The crawling process is slower than some other grammar checkers tool, when you paste a large portion of text for editing.

Grammarly vs ProWritingAid: Which One Should You Choose?

After comparing Grammarly and ProWritingAid in terms of various parameters: like features, ease of use, customer support, pricing, and more, the given information helps you to decide which tool is useful for you. Grammarly is a highly advanced proofreading tool available in the market today. Currently, it helps you to detect errors based on more than 400 factors. Moreover, it is available with a range of platforms like in MS Office, web browser, or install the desktop app. On the other hand, ProWritingAid is also an excellent tool that helps you to improve your writing. However, it is more focused on writing style and readability. Even though it is able to resolve many Grammarly and spelling errors, Grammarly is a better option for that purpose.