Since his daring debut with Cronos, mesmerizing Mexican filmmaker Guillermo del Toro has inspired a ferocious fandom that would like nothing more to slip into his brain–stuffed with mad monsters and gorgeous gore–and take a tantalizing tour. Well, those near Los Angeles had that wish granted in August, when the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) opened “At Home With Monsters,” an exhibit that strives to explore del Toro’s creative process through its awe-inspiring display of paintings, drawings, maquettes, artifacts, and concept film art.

Visitors to “At Home With Monsters” have been snapping tons of shots of its promised creatures, which include the titular beast from del Toro’s Oscar-winning fantasy Pan’s Labyrinth as well as its petrifying Pale Man, and classic Universal monsters like Frankenstein and his bride. And as pics of props, paintings and the luscious costumes of Crimson Peak have been flooding Twitter, fans elsewhere have been crying out for the exhibition to come their way next. So, when Screen Rant sat down with del Toro at New York Comic-Con to talk about his upcoming Netflix series Trollhunters, we took a moment to ask if the monstrous museum piece might be headed to Manhattan any time soon. Regrettably, del Toro was quick to dash our hopes.

“No,” del Toro declared, adding,  “Because I didn’t want it to.” He noted that the enchanting exhibit will move from LACMA to the Minneapolis Institute of Art, and then the Art Gallery of Ontario, before traveling to Mexico “Because it’s my home country. But then after that, I want my st back! " He laughed, pounding the table for emphasis, “I want my st in my house. It’s been horrible to go home (without them there).”

But what about New Yorkers–and other far flung fans–who desperately want to see del Toro’s marvelous monster display before it’s returned back to his impossibly cool and creepy home? The delighted director chuckled once more, then advised fans traveling to see it, noting, “Go in the summer! Minnesota is closer.”

“At Home With Monsters” is on display at LACMA through November 27th. From there, the enticing exhibit will be remounted at MIA from March 5, 2017 to May 28, 2017, then at AGO from September 30, 2017 to January 7, 2018. So, plan your fan field trips accordingly.

We’ll bring you more from the Trollhunter New York Comic-Con roundtables soon. Trollhunters season 1 hits Netflix on December 23rd, 2016.