When the sleeper release of the game’s demo P.T. released last year on the PlayStation Store, it was universally acclaimed and the proverbial hype train was running full steam ahead. 

Nope. Nope Nope Nope. 

It appears that the cancellation of Silent Hills was the final straw that broke the camel’s back of Del Toro’s video game career. Having previously worked on a game that was similarly cancelled, it seemed that Del Toro was finished with game development long ago, but we were pleasantly surprised to learn about his collaboration with Hideo Kojima.

This time, however, his claims of abandoning video game creation seems to be more concrete. 

In a video interview with Shack News, Del Toro jokingly said that if he made another foray into video game development, “World War III would start.” Referencing the downfall of THQ and the separation of Kojima from Konami, Del Toro noted his involvement and subsequent negative outcomes for both companies have put a dark cloud over his aspirations for video game storytelling. 

Hopefully, he will change his mind in the future for our sake. For now, you can look forward to Guillermo Del Toro’s next work in the world of film with the release of Crimson Peak on October 16, 2015.