Halloween star Jamie Lee Curtis says the new sequel is like the original in “many, many, many ways.” Following the release of Rob Zombie’s Halloween II in 2009, the series went on hiatus while the studio tried to figure out the next step. A couple of different ideas were floated, including a direct sequel to Zombie’s movies called Halloween 3D, which would have found Michael stalking his sister Laurie in an insane asylum, but this idea was quickly scrapped.

Another proposed sequel dubbed Halloween Returns would have followed the events of the original Halloween I & II and found Michael escaping from Death Row to stalk a new batch of victims. That version came quite close to filming until it was announced Dimension Films had lost the rights to the series, and it was cancelled. It didn’t take long for Blumhouse to come along and claim the rights and put together a sequel that will only acknowledge the events of John Carpenter’s original.

David Gordon Green will direct Halloween 2018 from a script he co-wrote with Danny McBride. Jamie Lee Curtis also returns as Laurie Strode, who will have to protect her daughter and granddaughter when Michael Myers returns 40 years after his last rampage. Curtis was recently talking about the movie with Yahoo! and explained the latest sequel is essentially a retelling of the original from the perspective of Laurie’s grandchild:

While Curtis isn’t personally a big horror fan, she feels fans will be very satisfied with the new Halloween.

And as soon as I read what David Green and Danny McBride had come up with … and the way that they connected the dots of the story, it made so much sense to me that it felt totally appropriate for me to return to Haddonfield, Ill., for another 40th-anniversary retelling. There was the idea of, ‘What do you call it?’ If I had had my druthers, I probably would’ve called it Halloween Retold. Because it’s being retold. It’s the original story in many, many, many ways. Just retold 40 years later with my granddaughter.

The team behind the new Halloween have made no secret of their love for the original, and that they wanted this sequel to recapture the spirit of it. They’ve even reunited key players from the original, including Curtis, series creator John Carpenter and original Michael Myers performer Nick Castle. While it’s nice to hear the movie will stick close to the tone of the 1978 film, hopefully, it will bring something fresh to the series too. The Halloween formula was already run into the ground by mediocre sequels that stuck doggedly to Carpenter’s blueprint.

For people who like that sort of thing, I think it’s going to be really fun for them to experience. For me, that just doesn’t hold any interest to me. Because I’m frightened enough about all [today’s political climate]. So the idea of now paying money and sitting in a dark theater with a bunch of people and watching something really scary doesn’t really do much for me. But there are a lot of people who love it, and they’re gonna love this movie.

That said, Halloween 2018 is intended as a love letter to the film that essentially created the slasher movie on its 40th anniversary, and given the level of talent involved, it could very well be the best sequel yet.

More: Halloween 2018: Blum Praises First Cut Of Film

Source: Yahoo!

  • Halloween Release Date: 2018-10-19